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Golf League Details

Welcome to GDASA Golf Summer 2024 Registration. Here is what is in store for you this year:

  • Location: City Park Golf Course; 3181 E 23rd Street Denver, CO 80205

  • Cost: $375.00 (may be split into two payments: first half due at time of registration, remaining amount due by Monday, May 13)

  • Dates: 12 weeks, Thursday, May 30 through Thursday, August 22 (bye week July 4th)

  • Tee times: Staggered every 10 minutes from 4.40pm to 5.40pm 

  • Golf Cart Fee is additional and paid to the club.

Payment via CC will be at the end. Thank you and good luck this season!

Golf League Questions

Russell Johnson Golf Co-Director

Russell Johnson Golf Co-Director

Term: 2 years; Election; start Sept. 1, 2024, end Sept. 30, 2026

Tony Leyendecker Golf Co-Director

Tony Leyendecker Golf Co-Director

Term: 2 years; Election; start Sept. 1, 2024, end Sept. 30, 2026